Finishing up the V-Strom tires.

I got back at finishing up the tires on the V-Strom yesterday afternoon. It was almost exactly 90 minutes of work to finish up the front end. Here is a quick update on the rest of the process.
One good thing about having old tires lying around the shop is using them as a stand for the remaining wheel as in the above pic. Here is the front wheel with the old tire still on resting on the old rear to keep the brake disc broom getting banged around. I popped the front tire off in about five minutes. Getting the new one on took about 15. My rim protectors are a pain in the butt.  They pinch the rim too tightly and don't slide easily when I need to reposition them. I really want to get the Harbor Freight tire changer and Motorcycle Changing attachment, but until I change tires more regularly it isn't worth the expense.

The mount and balance process went exactly the same as the rear. I made sure to clean everything while I had the tires sitting in the sun to warm up. I put on the new valve stem just like before and inflated the tire to pop the bead into place. I got a face full of soap suds in the process from the bead lubricant I made. Good thing I was wearing safety glasses. For the balance I re-leveled the balance stand I fabricated and set the wheel assembly on it. Within 10 minutes I had it balanced with 19 grams or just under 3/4 oz of weight. 
I just got back from a 60 mile ride down the coast and in some of Cali's famous canyons. The new tires feel great. I have a bit more confidence on the front that I didn't know was missing. The rear had good stiction as well as giving me a better, more planted feeling through the corners. My next major project on the V-Strom will be a front end suspension project. I need new, heavier springs and while I'm there I'll refresh the seals and bushings in the forks and change the oil. I'm sure the oil hasn't been changed in the entire 9 years the bike has been on the road.

This is a short boring post with only two pictures, but I have been busy in the garage on the Ninja in between tire sessions on the V-Strom. Stay tined for a post on that coming soon.



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